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Astleys Association Football Grounds changing rooms with the sign for the football ground on show.
Agricultural Case Study

The Astleys Association Football Ground

In mid 2019 Hydroserve were contacted by The Astleys Assocation Football Club in Halifax, West Yorkshire, who required a water supply for their football club’s

Barn and outside area of Middle Mearbeck Barn. Grass lawn and drystone walls.
Agricultural Case Study

Middle Mearbeck Barn, Settle

In 2022 Hydroserve were contacted by Tim Bibby of Middle Mearbeck Barn, Near Settle in North Yorkshire. Tim was in the process of converting old

Kenny Waste Ltd with four different vehicles used by Kenny Waste Ltd.
Commercial Case Study

Kenny Waste Ltd

In 2023, Hydroserve were contacted by Kenny Waste Managment (KWM) Ltd. KWM have several sites in and around Greater Manchester where various types of waste

Drilling machinery being set up by to engineers at a bottling plant in Sunderland.
Commercial Case Study

Clearly Drinks, Sunderland

In 2016 ; Hydroserve were contacted by internationally renowned Soft Drinks manufacturer Clearly Drinks Ltd in Southwick, Sunderland and asked to install a new Water


How Long Will My Submersible Borehole Pump Last?

How long your submersible Borehole pump lasts depends on factors such as: Hydroserve uses only the best in submersible Borehole pump technology and have over 30 years

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