Hydroserve specialises in the Build / Own /Operate /Maintain= or ‘BOOM’ -approach to industrial private water supply provision. What does this actually mean though? Let’s look at a ‘case study’ of an existing client of Hydroserve.
In 2013, Hydroserve was approached by a well-known manufacturer of Bricks and Blocks for the building trade. As a customer of Seven Trent Water, their mains water costs had risen year on year and were at a level that was beginning to impact on the profitability of one of their largest sites.
After consultations with our client, and having approached the Environment Agency to ensure the requisite consents and licensing permits were in place , Hydroserve put forward a contract proposal to the client.
Subject to the necessary water supply criteria being met, Hydroserve would enter into an agreement to install a borehole water supply and associated infrastructure and to maintain and service this ‘Borehole Water Supply System’ for a period of ten years.
Hydroserve would install and maintain the Borehole and all associated equipment from submersible borehole pump to water treatment and storage at their cost for the duration of the agreement and charge on a pence per cubic metre basis for provision of the Borehole Water Supply System at 50% of the cost of their mains water!. In essence what this means is that the client enters into the agreement with NO RISK whatsoever. If there was insufficient-or NO water when the borehole was drilled, it would not cost them a penny!. If the water quality was not suitable or could not be treated to the requisite standard, again, it would not cost them a penny.
The contract would only start once the quality and volume of the Borehole water supply had been proven.
Whenever there is a problem with the supply, for instance if the submersible Borehole pump requires changing or the Borehole needs to be cleaned/ rehabilitated, this is work that is carried out by Hydroserve at our expense. The servicing of all elements of the Borehole water supply system, including costly water treatment media replacement, is again all covered by Hydroserve as part of the supply agreement.
The client, therefore, gets the guaranteed and measurable savings represented by the substantially more cost-effective supply of water and the peace of mind of knowing that any problems will be sorted quickly -and for free- by Hydroserve.
Contact us to see how we can help you significantly reduce your industrial / Commercial water supply costs.