In mid 2019 Hydroserve were contacted by The Astleys Assocation Football Club in Halifax, West Yorkshire, who required a water supply for their football club’s clubhouse and football pitches. At this point they had no water supply to this rural ground.
A site survey (free) was arranged, following which a Quotation and Specification for a Borehole Water Supply was put forward and subsequently, after a ’tender’ process, accepted.
In November 2019, we mobilised our Water Well Drilling team to site with a tracked Massenza M15 Drilling Rig.
Due to the rig and associated plant having to be manoeuvred around football pitches ( in extremely wet weather! ), ground-mats were used to minimise the damage, and every possible care was taken to ensure we left the pitches in as close to the condition we found them as possible.
Once we had the Drilling Rig set up, a borehole was drilled, cased and screened/ gravel packed to a depth of 90m.
A good supply of water was obtained, and samples of the water taken and tested. The water quality report indicated elevated levels of Iron and Manganese , and so a suitable Water treatment system (Ecomix Media) was installed along with a Turbidity filter( to reduce the incoming Turbidity of the water prior to treatment with Ecomix ).
The Borehole Water Supply system was commissioned in early 2020 and has provided The Astleys Association FC with all their water (for domestic purposes as well as irrigation of the pitches in summer months) since then. The systems are serviced and maintained annually by Hydroserve to ensure that the water supply system is kept in excellent condition and the water itself is kept pure, clear and wholesome.
The Borehole Water Supply has enabled this football club, which has no mains water on site, to provide shower facilities , boot-washing facilities , pitch irrigation and a number of other benefits. It is a real asset to the club and its members.